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Tao Te Ching Chapter 31 to 35

Spiritual Knowledge through Tao Te Ching

Spiritual Knowledge through Tao Te Ching

Spiritual Knowledge through Tao Te Ching

Life is really surprising, Tao Te Ching is just like a World best Psychology book. Which describe your behavior with lots of interesting facts. Most of us don't wanna believe that we have these kind of sickness in our mind. Tao Te ching work as a mirror of life. If you really want to reviel the truth of life then you should read this Chapter with really great care. Because every lines contain some kind of hidden meaning of life. 
People who really desperate to know from where we are come from or who would be their creator  or some thing. Then you are taking wrong target to read this. Because this book describe why you are sad. How you should live your life. when you learn how to live your life then you will easily understand we are blessed with gifts of life. just because we are focusing on wishes or demands. Life is going into present. just be in you present time, you would be feel really happy, and Life is just to be a spectator, When you learn the art of spectator, you will be start living your life with great enjoyment. 

So lets check Tao Te Ching Chapter 31 To 35

  • Chapter Thirty-one Tao Te Ching

Weapons of war are instruments of disaster.
They are rejected by all beings.
Thus a person of Tao will not dwell upon them.
According to the ancient custom of Ying and Yang,
A man of virtue values the left which is represented by Yang.
And a man of war values the right which is represented by Ying.
Weapons are instruments of evil, and are not valued by a man of virtue.
They are only used as the last resort to attain peach when all else have failed.
If their use is necessary, it is best to employ with calmness and tranquility.
Even it if means victory, it is not something pleasant.
Those who rejoice over the victory, enjoy killing.
He who delights in killing will not be favored by the people and shall not bring harmony to the
It is the ancient custom to favor happy events to the left as represented by yang.
While on sad occasions, it is favored to the right as represented by Ying.
When this rite is applied in the army,
The lieutenant general takes the place of the left,
And the commander-in-chief takes the place of the right.
This indicates that war is treated as if it is a funeral service;
For many lives had been killed and hence should be mourned with sorrow.
Therefore, although a victory was won,
It is treated like funeral rite.

  • Chapter Thirty-two Tao Te Ching

The universal Tao has no name.
Although It appears in the plainest and may seem small,
It is inferior to nothing.
If the kings and marquises can abide by the Great Tao,
All beings shall act as guests and submit to them.
Heaven and earth will then be in harmony and shall descend sweet dew.
People will not require command and orders,
Yet can treat each other equally with peace.
When Tao is manifested, names were given for the purpose of distinction.
But one must know how to attain the original pureness in order to avoid danger and disaster.
Tao exists in the universe like the rivers and streams that lead to the ocean.

  • Chapter Thirty-three Tao Te Ching

One who knows other people is wise.
One who knows himself is enlightened.
To overcome others is strong.
To overcome oneself is the will of power.
One who is contented is rich.
One who is determined has the strength of will.
Those who embrace their true nature shall long live.
He who is enlightened with the original nature,
Although dies physically, is eternally united with the everlasting Tao.

  • Chapter Thirty-four Tao Te Ching

The great Tao is ever present.
It can adjust Itself to everything.
All things live by It, and It does not deny them.
When Its work is accomplished, It does not claim possession.
It gives great love to nurture all things and all lives, but dominates not.
The true void of Tao has no desires and may seem small.
Yet all things entrust their lives to It and It does not act as their master.
This may be recognized as “the Great.”
Because a saint does not restrict himself with the greatness,
Hence his greatness is accomplished.

  • Chapter Thirty-five Tao Te Ching

He who embraces the Great Tao shall be the guidance of the world.
By following him, the world will not be harmed and will be rendered with peace and harmony.
Pleasures and delicacy can only attract passers-by to stay temporarily.
The teaching of Tao is plain without extraordinary appearances.
It can not be seen,
It can not be heard,
It can not be depleted or exhausted.


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