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Tao Te Ching Chapter 36 To 40

True Meaning of Life Tao Te Ching

Tree of life Tao Te ching Hidden Part of life

Tree of life Tao Te Ching

Tao the state of mind  when your spirit grain the height of Tao Te Ching. Because we don't need to do anything, We just need stop doing, in other words we can say that when you will going to stop putting your mind with wishes, then you will be able to see what actually you are, Life is great gift of god, god is nothing, just a state when soul recognized himself, So path of Tao is just like to take you there where you can gain the position of knowing yourself. 

So welcome to journey with Tao Te Ching, Be careful while taking the meaning of Lao Tse, Because his every single word contain deep secret of life. Actually its book of secret code, only few people can understand what he is talking about. Dont take hurry to understand his words meaning. However every words have hide some kind of long story inside. 

Tao Te Ching Chapter 36 to 40

  • Chapter Thirty-six Tao Te Ching

It desire shall conceal true self,
True self will manifest itself even more.
If desire shall weaken true self,
True self will strengthen itself even more.
If desire shall abandon true self,
True self will prosperous even more.
If desire shall deprive true self,
True self will give even more.
This is known as the enlightened nature that is subtle yet profound.
Gentleness overcomes strength, and the meek overcomes the strong.
Just as fish live in deep water and cannot survive after being taken out of the depths.
And the powerful weapons of a country should not be displayed,
Just like one’s true nature cannot be revealed to be seen.

  • Chapter Thirty-seven Tao Te Ching

The everlasting Tao acts according to the natural Way.
Therefore there is nothing that It will not accomplish.
If kings and the nobilities can abide by their true nature and follow the great Tao,
All things shall be reformed naturally.
If during the process of reform, desires arouse.
I shall overcome with the simplicity of original nature.
With the simplicity of true nature, there shall be no desire.
Without desire, one’s original nature will be at peace.
And the world will naturally be in accord with the right Way.

  • Chapter Thirty-eight Tao Te Ching

A man of superior virtue is not conscious of being virtuous, hence is truly virtuous.
A man of inferior virtue performs for the purpose of virtue, hence he is not virtuous.
A man of superior virtue acts without action, and performs with his true nature.
A man of inferior virtue acts with intentional effort.
A man of superior kindness acts a natural act.
A man of superior justice acts with righteousness and feelings for others.
A man of superior etiquette acts according to his true self, hence no one responds to him by
moving away.
There, when Tai is lost, there is Te (virtue).
When Te is lost, there is humanity.
When humanity is lost, there is justice.
When justice is lost, there is etiquette.
Etiquette becomes prevalent when people fail to be sincere and honest.
Hence, chaos begins.
A person of knowledge and self-opinion will be hindered from the enlightenment of Tao.
Thus, this is the beginning of ignorance!
Therefore, one who cultivates himself with Tao,
Embraces the original nature and indulges not in sensual nature.
He abides by the fundamental Oneness and indulges not in sensory pleasures.
Thus, abandon those desires and abide by this true essence of Tao.

  • Chapter Thirty-nine Tao Te Ching

In the beginning, there were those who attained the Oneness;
Heaven, by attaining the Oneness became clear;
Earth, by attaining the Oneness became peaceful;
Spirit, by attaining the Oneness became divine;
True nature is like an empty valley, and by attaining the Oneness,
It became fully productive.
All things, by attaining the Oneness became alive.
Emperors and nobilities, by attaining Oneness can bring peace and prosperity to the world.
All these are the results of achieving Oneness.
Heaven, without clarity would crack.
Earth, without peace would quake.
Spirit, without divinity would be powerless.
True nature, without productivity would result in exhaustion of life.
All things, without life essence would perish.
Emperors, without Oneness to exalt them to nobility, would stumble and fall.
Thus, honor is based on humbleness.
The high builds its foundation upon the low.
Therefore, the kings and nobles call themselves “the solitude,” “the unworthy,” and “the
Is this not the reason why they base their honor upon humbleness?
Hence, the highly honored do not regard themselves as nobles and have no wish to be selfcentered
to think nobly of themselves as a piece of jade nor to think lowly of others as a lump of

  • Chapter Forty Tao Te Ching

When Tao is in action, one’s worldly nature can be reversed to the true nature.
Gentleness is the way of application of Tao.
All things in the world originate from the manifestation of Tao,
The manifestation of Tao is the form of being,
Which originates from the non-being of the void, the Great Tao.


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